Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Immigratio and Border Conference Dialogues Conference - May 15th - 18th in Olympia, Washington

Immigration and Border Dialogues Conference

At The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA

May 15th-18th 2008

Organized by Bridges Not Walls

The Immigration and Border Dialogues Conference is organized by Bridges Not Walls, a group of concerned community members from the South Sound area and beyond who have united in solidarity, and are building a human rights movement in order to realize a sustainable future for all. The goals of Bridges Not Walls are various: to create bridges between communities; celebrate our shared humanity; build awareness about the importance of human rights in the immigration debate; change the conversation about immigration in our country and community; and support immigrants by acting in solidarity in the face of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) detentions and deportations.

The Immigration and Border Dialogues Conference is a free conference that will be held at The Evergreen State College from May 15th-18th. This conference examines barriers, real or perceived, that divide our communities. Together we will examine current realities faced by immigrants, explore inclusive approaches to immigration, and create space for the emergence of a more just and humane future.

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