There are many problems facing the
Media Matters Action Network undertook this study in order to document the rhetoric surrounding immigration that is heard on cable news. When it comes to this issue, cable news overflows not just with vitriol, but also with a series of myths that feed viewers' resentment and fears, seemingly geared toward creating anti-immigrant hysteria.

The study painstakingly details the use of buzzwords, loaded phrases and propagandistic methods employed by Dobbs and his cable cronies. As well, the study notes, as we have in prior postings, the links between “mainstream” commentators on cable and extremist groups. While the extremist links are far more extensive than the ones highlighted in this study, this should serve as an antidote to those who want a rational and reasonable debate on the issue of immigration. As we have stated before, the nutwing web is completely intertwined with hate groups that congregate on sites such as VDare.com. On this issue, we will defer to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, both of which have done outstanding jobs highlighting these connections.
Fear and Loathing in Prime Time: Immigration Myths and Cable News
Media Matters Action Network
Joe Klein has an excellent piece on the Lou Dobbs and the Media Matters Report in Time Magazine (May 25, 2008), entitled Lou Demagogue. Herein a sample:
Given the amount of serious journalism going on at CNN--the reporters risking their lives on battlefields all over the world, fine journalists like John King and Candy Crowley working to report the presidential campaign accurately, the excellent fact-checking that Wolf Blitzer did earlier this year on the Obama Madrasa smear--given all that and a nearly thirty year history of really trying to present the facts straight...I've got to wonder why the network allows Lou Dobbs to continue spewing false, inflammatory nonsense under the guise of objective journalism.
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I'm glad you highlighted this. That is an ugly picture of Michelle Malkin you picked up.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Malkin's a babe goddess, and posting a nasty picture of her doesn't change the fact one iota.
ReplyDeleteIt's what's inside that counts and I suspect that inside the "babe goddess" is a pretty ugly abyss.